In India Computer Industry is one of the fastest growing industry. Every year about millions of personal computers enters in to these fields. A recent study, conducted jointly with big five companied concluded that Indian computer industry had the potential to reach in size of $62 billion by 2010. By 2010 Indian computer industry had the potential to grow to twelve times its existing market size. Virtually all kind of businesses use computers that need professional to work with them. More and more households to work with them. When it comes to installing, upgrading and repairing those computers, you will have the skills for the job. According to Ministry of indormation technology govt. of india would employ 4.8 million by directly and indirectly by 2008.
Concept of “Networking” is likely to be used by nearly all banking services, business groups, railways, air lines and so on. This is very special aspect of computer field needs highly skilled programmers to develop specific softwares and engineer stomake setup of networks. The demand is more and availability is less. So he professionals of this fields can earn about 30000 salary per month. The number of mobile telephone subscribers is expected to grow by nearly 30 percent to 30 million this year. Every big business group come with his own brand name in this “Mobile field” So the competition is tough and every day a new feature and a new service is launched by mobile service companies, so these company need highly skilled programmers to make new softwares to facilitate the customers. So when you become a trained hardware or software engineer you will have plenty of carrier options.
SVS Institute of Computer and Professional Studies is a pioneer in the field of computer in Chhindwara district. It was established as a computer training institute in 1980. Since then it always step ahed in launcing new professional and job oriented courses. It is the aim of SVS to provide best & standard education in his own city. In recent years post graduate degree courses like MSc(IT), MSc(CS) has been started by the centre.
Here every and each student get personal attention. institute has trained and experienced faculties to teach thoroughly each subject.
Facilities Provided By SVS
- Students have the facilities of Modern laboratory Laser printers, Computers and high speed internet connection.
- Provides modern computer system with latest software installed. Having about 110 PCs.
- Provides the latest machines and equipments for repairing computer hardware like CRO, Trainer Kits, SMD etc.
- Provides modern computer system and printers along with facility of LAN in the networking lab.
- Provides complete facility of Libary. It contains a good collection of books on every subject.
- All faculties of SVS is highly qualified and experienced. To teach new subjects guest faculties from outside are also invited.